Friday, February 27, 2009

The similarities between apple pie and paper flowers

Today, though I'm tired and sore and still have to go to work, I'm ever so much enjoying cooking up a storm in my kitchen. A friend in our home team at church had surgery this week and the rest of us are taking turns delivering meals. I picked my favorite to go meal...chicken and dumplings, green beans and apple pie.

This is my mom's recipe from way back, rolled dumplings. It's easy to make and makes enough for 3 meals, so dinner is done for us and our friends with some left over for lunches. I have an apple-peeler-corer-slicer from the pampered Chef that is indispensable when it comes to cutting a lot of apples for a pie. This pie is huge...containing 11 beautiful Granny Smith apples!

So how are these paper flowers similar to the apple pie? Well, first I picked about 11 pieces of the coolest paper from K&Co, called Que Sera, Sera, and used my fancy Accucut die cut machine to cut the flowers...kind of like the apple-peeler-corer-slicer. When you're done using these tools, only a small amount of scraps are left. Then I mixed the three sizes of flowers with different papers and topped them off with a rhinestone brad. Well, my apple pie doesn't have any rhinestone brads, but the crust is golden and the edges are kind of sparkly where the apple juice ran over a little bit! And both look good enough to eat!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Works in progress

In January I came across Millande Creativity Club and settled in for some 10 minute art lessons. What a difference it makes to watch someone while they're explaining a concept. Reading directions is not my strong suit. I much rather do show and tell, or in this case, listen and watch.

I bought myself a few supplies and got busy on my 13 week journal project, which I should have started 13 weeks ago, but, well, didn't. I got all my pages finished and mailed and ended up with about 5 pages to trade and created pages for a few topics not on the list. For the first time I used gesso, and gel medium, and I did draw an eye for the anatomy page! On another project I even covered an entire page with black ink and removed the ink with a rubber stamp dipped in of that when the project is finished.

Here are my pages: